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Create and send SMS
Create and send SMS
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

Create an SMS

1. Create a new SMS by clicking the New icon in the Content section of the main menu.

2. In the popup, select SMS.


You will now enter the SMS editor where you can create and edit your SMS.

3. Start by naming your SMS. This name will not be displayed to the recipients. The recipients will only see the sender name of the SMS. This name is set when you send the SMS.


4. Enter the content of your SMS in the phone on the left hand side.

Dynamic content

On the right-hand side of the SMS editor you will find all your available dynamic content parameters listed. Click a dynamic parameter to add it to your SMS.

Note! If you use dynamic parameters in your SMS, the number of characters in the SMS may vary depending on the specific value(s) that will replace the parameter when the SMS is sent.


Standard SMS text

On the right-hand side of the SMS editor you will find a dropdown list showing all mailing lists where you have added a standard SMS text for the list.

The standard SMS text is set in the Settings tab of your list.


The standard text allows you to reuse a standard text e.g. info on how to unsubscribe or contact info in your SMS messages, instead of having to write this info all over again for each SMS you create. Simply select a mailing list from the dropdown if you want to insert the standard SMS text for this list into your SMS.


5. Hit the Save button when you are done editing your SMS.


If you want to schedule a sending of your SMS immediately, then click on the Save and schedule button to create a sending of your SMS. If you wish to delete the content of your SMS, click on the Reset button.

Sending an SMS

In order to send SMS messages from APSIS Pro you need to have enough SMS credits to cover all the recipients on the mailing list(s) you want to send to.

Please contact your APSIS contact if you wish to purchase SMS credits to your account. If you don’t know who your APSIS contact is you can contact APSIS support at

Note! SMS sent via APSIS Pro can only be sent to mobile phone numbers. We do not support SMS to landline phone numbers or other types of phone numbers. The number and country code used for the sending will be fetched from the standard data fields Country code and Mobile number of each subscriber.


1. Click the Send tab in the main menu.

2. In the popup, select SMS.


3. Start by selecting your SMS.


4. Then select the list(s) you want to send the SMS to.

Note! The number and country code used for the sending will be fetched from the standard data fields Country code and Mobile number of each subscriber.


Apply a filter on the list(s) if you only want to send the SMS to a selected part of the mailing list. The SMS will only be sent to the subscribers matching the filter.

5. Then select a delivery time and a sender name. This sender name will be shown to the recipients.


Note! The sender name may consist of max 11 alphanumeric characters, no blanks or special characters.

6. Click the Preview confirm button when you are done with your settings.

On the next page you will be asked to confirm your settings. You can preview your SMS, see which mailing list(s) you have selected, which recipients are going to receive the SMS, when it is going to be sent and how many available SMS credits you have on your account (before the sending).


7. Click the Schedule sending button to confirm your settings.

Your scheduled sending will be available in the Send Queue on Home until sent.

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