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Creating a Subscription Form
Creating a Subscription Form
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

Create/Edit subscription forms which your subscribers can use when they want to subscribe to your newsletters. You are able to create more than one subscription form if, for example, you want to have one separate subscription form for each mailing list on your account.

The link to each subscription form can be copied and pasted into the Subscribe link of your newsletters. The subscription forms can also be placed directly on your website by copying the generated codes of the forms and paste them on relevant pages on your website.

Note! Don’t forget to update the code each time you have made any changes in your subscription form.

Create/Edit a subscription form

1. Click the Settings icon in the Recipients section of the main menu.
2. Open the Subscription forms tab.
3. Click the New form button to create a new subscription form.

4. Name your form and select the mailing list(s) you want to make available in the form.

5. Start to edit the content of your form:

Add a module into the form

Drag the module you want to insert from the Add tabin the left-hand menu and drop it into the form to the right.

Modules for system objects

Drag the system objects, which have been created by APSIS Pro, and drop them into the form.

Heading – The form heading. This heading will also be used as a browser title.

Name – A textbox where the subscriber can enter its name.

Password – A textbox where the subscriber can enter its own password. The password can be used when the subscriber want to login and manage its subscriptions and other information.

Manage subscription – A link to a login page where the subscriber can login to manage its subscriptions and other information.

Unsubscribe – A button which the subscriber can click on to unsubscribe.

Email address policy – A link to the information about your email address policy. The policy text can be edited.

Country code – A textbox where the subscriber can enter its country code. The country code will be used together with the mobile number when sending SMS via APSIS Pro.

Mobile number - A textbox where the subscriber can enter its mobile number. The number can be used for sending SMS via APSIS Pro.

Modules for demographic data

Drag the demographic data fields, which you have already created under Recipient Settings » Demographic data, and drop them into the form.

Edit a module in the form

Click the module you want to edit, and make your changes in the Edit tab.

Remove a module from the form

Click the module you want to remove, and then click the Remove button in the Edit tab.

Hide a module in the form

By hiding a module in the form you can set a preset value for the module which cannot be seen or changed by the subscriber. For example which mailing list(s) the subscriber will subscribe to through this form. A hidden module will not be visible to the subscribers.

1. Click the module you want to hide.
2. Then click the Hide/Show field icon in the Edit tab.
3. Edit the preset value for the module.
4. Then click the Yes button to save your settings.

Edit the form settings

Open the Settings tab to edit the form settings.

Form name - Edit the name of the form. This name is internal and will not be displayed to the subscribers.

Use confirmed subscription (double opt-in) – If you are using confirmed subscription in your subscription form, all new subscribers who subscribes through the form will receive an email where they will have to confirm their subscription. Until they have confirmed, these subscribers will be placed in the Pending list of the mailing list they have subscribed to. They will not receive any sendings made to the mailing list as long as they haven’t confirmed their subscription.

Use only HTML as delivery format – Check this option if you want to use the HTML format of the newsletter as a default delivery format. The Delivery format module will be hidden in the subscription form and the subscribers will not be able to select the text version as a delivery format.

Display header and footer – Check this option to use your header and footer in the subscription form to give it a graphical layout. Set your header and footer code under Recipient settings » Header/Footer.

Include JavaScript error check on email addresses – Check this option to include an error check on email addresses entered in the email address field of the subscription form. Wrong formats will generate an error message, and unable the subscriber to complete its subscription until a correct email format has been entered.

Form code

Open the Code tab to view the code of the subscription form. Don’t forget to update the code each time you have made any changes in the form.

Link - This is the link to the subscription form which can be copied and used for the Subscribe link of your newsletter.
Code - This is the code of the subscription form which can be copied and used to put the form directly on your website.


Open the Preview tab to preview the subscription form.

Please note that this is a preview of the form itself, without any header and footer.

In order to view your subscription form with your header and footer, please click on the link in the Code tab.

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