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Setting up an account user profile
Setting up an account user profile
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

Create user profiles for your account with limited user rights.

When you create an account user profile you will determine which folders and sections of the account anyone belonging to this user profile should have access to.

Open the Account tab in the main menu.

2. Then open the tab Account information, and scroll down to the Account user profiles section.

3. Click the Create new button.

4. Then click the Account user profile link in the pop-up window.

5. Start by naming your user profiles, and then select which folders and user right any user belonging to this account should have.

6. Click the Save button when you are done.


Dedicate specific folders from the Content, Recipients, Reports, and Preview / Spam Report sections to the user profile. Create folders in your sections and place items you want to share with anyone belonging to this user profile inside the folders. Each folder will be visible in the Folders list.

Please note that items placed in the root folders of the sections always will be available for any user belonging to this user profile.

User rights

Select which user rights, i.e. which parts of the account the users of this profile should be allowed to access. The users belonging to this account user profile will have the same user rights as the account administrator has for the sections selected.

Show Reports section - Show the Reports section in the main menu.

Hide export options for reports - Hide all export options available in reports. This will disable the user’s ability to export the reports available in the Reports section of your account.

Show Recipients section - Show the Recipients section of the main menu.

Hide Recipients Settings - Hide the Recipient Settings in the Recipients section of the main menu.

Hide export options for mailing lists - Hide all the export options available in mailing lists.

Show Newsletters and Content Settings - Show the Newsletter tab and the Content Settings in the Content section of the main menu.

Show Opt-out all/All Addresses list - Show the Opt-out all and All address lists in the Mailinglist section of the main menu. This user right requires the “Show Recipients” user right to be enabled.

Show Send tab and Send Queue section - Show the Send tab and the Send Queue section in the main menu.

Show Surveys - Show the Surveys tab in the Content section of the main menu.

Show survey reports only - Show only the Reports tab in Surveys. This will only allow the account users to access the Reports tab of any survey.

Show Projects section - Show the Projects section of the main menu.

Show Pages - Show the Pages tab in the Content section of the main menu.

Show Account information (Add-ons) - Show the Add-ons section in the Account information tab under the main Account tab. This user right requires the “Show Account (Account statistics & ROI settings)” user right to be enabled.

Show Notepad section - Show the Notepad section of the main menu.

Show Account information (QuickStat) - Show the QuickStat section in the Account information tab under the main Account tab. This user right requires the “Show Account (Account statistics & ROI settings)” user right to be enabled.

Show Preview / Spam report section - Show the Preview / Spam report section of the main menu.

Show SMS - Show the SMS tab in the Content section of the main menu.

Show Help & Support - Show the link to Help & Support in the main menu.

Show Account (Account statistics & ROI settings) - Show the Account statistics tab and the ROI settings tab under the main Account tab.

Show sub-account reports in Reports section - Show reports from sub-accounts in the Reports section of the main menu.

Show Light-account reports - Show the Light-account reports tab in the Reports section of the main menu.

Hide Content Settings - Hide the Content Settings in the Content section of the main menu.

Show Templates - Allow the user to view templates on the account

Allow send-outs to mailing lists within Surveys - Allows the user to create sendings within the Survey module.

Allow send-outs to mailing lists within Triggers - Allows the user to create sendings within the Triggers module.

Allow send-outs to mailing lists within Events - Allows the user to create sendouts within Event

Show Preview - Lets the user access the Preview function within APSIS

Show Ecom 2.0 - Gives the user access to the Ecom 2.0 module.

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