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Account users
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

Account users are used to set up additional user profiles to your account with limited rights to view selected sections of the account.

When you set up an account user profile you will determine its login details, which folders it should have access to, and which sections of the account it should be allowed to access. The account user will have the same user rights as the main account has for the sections selected.

You will always be able to change the account details and user rights and if needed remove the account users when they should no longer have access to your account. Account users can be used for both permanent and temporary users that should have access to your account, e.g. a marketing assistant or a co-worker.

A user of APSIS Pro can be connected to different accounts and user profiles: administrators, account users, and light-account users. The profile(s) you have access to will determine what user rights you will have on the account(s). You may have different user profiles on different accounts connected to your user.

Each time you login to APSIS Pro, you will be able to select which user profile you want to access your account(s) with. As the owner of your account you should have an administrator user profile for your account.

Administrator profile

Having access to an administrator profile will give you access to the account, with full administration rights. You will also have access to all account-user profiles, light-accounts, and sub-accounts connected to the account. If any of the sub-accounts have account user profiles or light-accounts set up, you as an administrator will be able to access the account(s) with these user profiles as well.

Account user profile

Having access to an account user profile will give you access to the account, although with limited user rights, set by the administrator. You will not be able to access any related sub-accounts or light-accounts connected to the account.


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