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Creating an event
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

From Home, you will be able to create an event by hitting the Create new icon in the Projects section and
select Event in the popup.
This will open a wizard that lets you set the basic details for your event, step by step:

1. Name your event and select if it should contain any sessions or not (e.g. a spring event that will be held in three different cities). If you want to use sessions, you should set the start and end time for the first session. Create the other sessions later on within the event. We recommend that you create the first session, then copy the session to reuse the basic settings for your other sessions.

2. Select any registration settings you want to apply. E.g. if there should be a registration limit, deadline,waiting list (if fully booked) or if the people registering to your event should be allowed to also register friends/guests.

3. Enter the sender details you want to use for all emails and SMS (confirmation emails, invitation emails, reminders and follow ups) that you will include in your event.

4. Select an event template for the registration form. This template will also be used on all default system pages used for system texts in the event (confirmation and registration form pages). You will have a default event template, but you may also order customized template from Apsis Creative Services.

When you have set these settings your event will be created and you will access the Event & Sessions tab of your event where you can create new sessions and edit the settings of your event.

Once you are done with your event settings, go to the Registration form tab to preview your form. To edit the form, hit the Edit form button in the registration form tab to go to the forms editor.

If you want to send an invite, or respond to your attendees with reminders, follow-up emails, or SMS (only if you have the SMS add-on activated on your account), then go to the Send-outs tab to start setting up your automated mail flow. Note! No send-outs will go out as long as the event is disabled. Once a send-out has been sent, you will get access to a delivery report for the send-out so that you can see how well your email performed in regards to delivery, opens, clicks etc.

In the Attendees tab, you can manage all clients that have either registered to your event, or declined your invitation. You can add, cancel, edit and export attendees for your event.

In the Summary tab you will get a good overview of when your event sessions will start, and when your automated send-outs will go out, all displayed in a timeline.

Send-out and session timeline
The timeline gives you an overview of all past and upcoming events and send-outs of your entire event, your different sessions, when they start/end, and how many registered attendees they have.
If you have sent at least one invitation email included you can see how many recipients decided to register to your event and how many decided to decline your invitation.
You will also get a detailed report showing the registrations per session, how and when people registered and what current status they have (registered, cancelled, checked-in etc.).

Registration form tab

In the Registration form tab, you can preview your registration form and edit its different landing pages. Click the Edit button to edit the form.

Edit form

In the main menu you will find the public links to your event’s registration form and a preview of all
steps in the registration process. Hit the Edit form button to go to the Forms editor where you can edit
your registration form.

Copy the public link to publish the registration form on a website, or use the social share links to post
a link to the form on your social networks.

Preview form

In the preview below you can preview and test the flow of your form. You can play around with the
form to get a feel how it will work. Please note that this i s just a preview and no attendees will be
registered to the event when submitted via this preview form.

The registration process is divided in 3 steps:

1. Selection of guests and sessions (if more than one session is used) will always be made in the first

2. Entering the registration details for each attendee registering (name, email etc.).

3. Confirmation page. After your registration has been submitted, you will go to the last step of the
registration confirming your registration to the event.

Registration form editor

Add & Edit

The form will by default include mandatory modules such as the email textbox, submit button and a dropdown
list/radio buttons for selecting event session (if more than one session is used for the event). If registration of
additional guests is used for the event, a dropdown list for additional guests will also be included in the form.
Other than that, you may customize the registration form as you please. Drag and drop the modules you want to
use into the form.

When editing, you can choose which input fields should be mandatory, and customize which fields should be
included for additional guests (if information about guests is required).

Data categories

You may create event specific data categories for your event in the "Data categories" tab in the form editor. Use
these categories to collect attendee information for the event sessions which the attendee register to. Note! The
names of the data categories must be unique, and not exist in other events.

The information will be stored in the list of attendees. There are two kinds of data categories: Free text which
can be used for text box modules, and Options which can be used for radio buttons, checkboxes and dropdown
list modules in the form.

Create a data category: Free text

1. Select Free text in the dropdown list.
2. Then enter a short name for the data category, without special characters or blanks.
3. Click the Save button when you are done.

Create a data category: Options

1. Select Options in the dropdown list.
2. Then enter a short name for the data category, without special characters or blanks.
3. Click the Add option icon for each option you want to add to the data category.
4. Click the Save button when you are done.

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