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Image Gallery
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

With the Image Gallery add-on you have access to your own image gallery where you can upload images that you can use in your newsletters, pages, surveys and other content on your account.


In the Image Gallery you are also able to do some smaller editing on your images. To keep the highest quality on your images, we do however recommend you to import images that have already been edited and are in their right sizes.

Limitations for images:

Max size: 550 KB

Accepted file types: JPG, GIF and PNG*

Non-accepted characters in file names/folders: % & + / \ ” : ? * > < |

*Because there are mail clients that do not support PNG images with transparent backgrounds, the Image Gallery includes a converter that lets you add a background color to your PNG image after it has been uploaded to your image gallery.

Creating image folders & uploading images

In order to get a better structure on your images, we recommend that you create image folders.

By creating folders you can also set user rights for your sub and light-accounts. Please note that images put directly in the root folder are always visible on your sub and light-accounts, with read-only access rights.

Create an image folder

Go to your Image gallery, either via the Content settings icon in the Content section of the main menu or via the Edit tab of an image in your newsletter editor.

1. Click the Create folder button to create a new folder.


2. Enter the name you want to use for the folder.


3. Then hit the Save button.

Rename an image folder

Note! Changing the name of a folder will not affect the URL of the images inside the folder. Neither will moving an image from one folder to another affect the URL of the image. You cannot rename the name of your root folder.

1. Click the name of the folder you want to rename. Then hit the Rename folder button


2. Enter the name you want to use for the folder.


3. Then hit the Save button.

Upload images

Note! You are not able to upload images with identical file names.

1. Select the folder you want to import your images to.

2. Then click the Upload button to select one or multiple images from a folder on your computer, or simply drag the images directly from a folder on your computer into the drop area of the image gallery.


Import images from the web

You can also import images by entering their URL addresses. This provides that the images already have been uploaded on a server on the web.

1. Click the URL button and enter the image URL.

2. Then click the Save button.


Once the images have been uploaded they will be displayed in the image gallery. Hover over your images with your cursor to view the information for each image:

· File name

·Size (in pixels)

· File size

· Date and time of upload



Copy an image URL

When you have uploaded an image, the image will get a unique image URL on the APSIS Pro server.

1. Select your image.

2. Copy the link to the image from the URL text field.


Remove images or image folders

1. Remove an image or folder from your image gallery by selecting the image or folder from the left-hand menu.

2. Then click the Remove icon.



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