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Sending a newsletter
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

1. Click the Send tab in the main menu.

2. In the popup, select Newsletter.

3. Start by selecting your newsletter.

4. Then select the list(s) you want to send the newsletter to.

Apply a filter on the list(s) if you only want to send the newsletter to a selected part of the mailing list. The newsletter will only be sent to subscribers matching the filter.

Make a test sending to a single recipient

Check the option Test sending to single recipient if you want to send your newsletter to a single subscriber. Enter the recipient's name and e-mail address. Select which format of the newsletter you want to send out: HTML (graphical format with text and images) or Text (the text version of your newsletter).

Note! When you send a newsletter to a single recipient, included demographic data and links that consist of dynamic text won’t work.

6. Select a date and time for the distribution of the newsletter or check the alternative Send now to send it right away.

7. Then select the sender name and e-mail address you want to send from.

Sender name. This is the name that will be displayed as the sender name of the newsletter when the recipients receive the newsletter in their e-mail clients.

Sender e-mail. This is the address that will be displayed as the sender address of the newsletter. Use a functioning e-mail address to avoid problems with spam filters.

Reply-to email. This is the address that will be used when users choose to reply to the newsletter. Use the same address as the sender email or select a different address. To set a default reply-to email, go to the settings tab of your mailing list.

Click the Preview & confirm button when you are done with your settings.

On the next page you can preview the newsletter and the settings you have selected for the sending. You can also schedule an automatic send out of a delivery report of the sending to your colleagues that will be sent at a selected date and time after the newsletter has been sent.

Preview modes

If your newsletter is responsive, you can preview how the newsletter will adapt to different devices depending on if it is opened on a desktop, tablet or mobile device. Click the different mode icons at the top of the preview section to change the preview mode.

Sending details

In the sending details section you will get an overview of the send settings you have selected. If you want to change your settings for the newsletter sending, hit the Edit tab to return to the previous send page.

Auto-send a copy of the report for this sending

Check this option to schedule an automatic sending of the delivery report to one or multiple recipients that should be sent at a selected time and date after the newsletter has been sent out. The recipient(s) will receive an email with an attached PDF version of the report. The email will also include a link to download an updated version of the report.

9. Once you are done, click the Schedule sending button to confirm your settings and place your newsletter in the Send queue for distribution according to your settings.

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