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Dynamic content in newsletters
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

Dynamic content signifies everything from standard parameters, function parameters to demographic data and social media links. They are characterized by having two brackets ## before and after the parameter name. These parameters will get dynamic content from a database, which among other things, is connected to mailing lists and associated subscriber data that is stored there.

If you want to use the subscriber's names in your newsletter, you can include the parameter ##SubscriberName##. When the newsletter is sent to a mailing list, the parameter will be exchanged by the subscriber's real names, provided that this subscriber data has been saved in the mailing list which the newsletter is sent to.


If the newsletter is sent to a subscriber named John, the text ”Hi ##SubscriberName##" will look like this in John’s newsletter: ”Hi John”.

List of dynamic contents in APSIS Pro:

This list is also available in your newsletter editor when you create your newsletters.

Standard parameters


Subscriber email address


Subscriber name


Subscriber name, or email address if name is missing


Subscriber phone number


Subscriber country code


Subscriber password

Function parameters


Link to the Unsubscription form where the subscribers can unsubscription from the current mailing list


Link to the Unsubscription form where the subscribers can unsubscription from all mailing lists on your account


Link to the Tell-a-friend form where the subscribers can forward the newsletter to one email address


Link to the Tell-a-friend form where the subscribers can forward the newsletter to multiple email addresses


Link to the Update subsciption form where subscribers can update their own details and subscriptions


Today's date. The distribution date of the newsletter


Link to the web version of the newsletter


Link to the printer friendly version of the newsletter


Link to the PDF version of the newsletter

Page parameters

Use in APSIS Pro pages


Link which subscribers can click to return to the webversion of the newsletter after opening the page.

Event parameters

Use in emails sent via APSIS Pro events


Link to event registration form


Link which invited subscribers can click to decline the invitation


Link which registered participants can click to cancel the event session registration


Link to Google map showing the address of the event session


Link to iCalendar (.ics) file about the event session


Event session title


Event session venue


Event session city


Event session start date


Event session start time


Event session end date


Event session end time


Event session sender name for SMS and mail sendings


Event session sender email address for mail sendings

Custom parameters

Here you will find all your demographic data.

Social Media parameters


Image linked to share the newsletter on Facebook *


Link to share the newsletter on Facebook


Image linked to share the newsletter on LinkedIn *


Link to share the newsletter on LinkedIn


Image to share the newsletter on Twitter *


Link to share the newsletter on Twitter


Image to share the newsletter on Hyves *


Link to share the newsletter on Hyves


Image linked to to like the newsletter on Facebook *


Link to like the newsletter on Facebook

* When this parameter is placed in a link rather than in a text, the parameter should be placed in the Link text of the link. The Link destination URL should be left empty.

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