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Attaching a file in a newsletter
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

Best practice if you would like to send emails with files, is to upload the files on the web (e.g.
on an FTP server or such) and use the URL’s to link the files in your email instead of adding
the files as attachments to the email. We do however offer an add-on in APSIS Pro for those
who would like to attach files to their newsletters.

Note! Attached files in emails should be used with caution, as there are many disadvantages
with using attachments in email. We recommend you to only use attachments for small
internal send-outs with small files.

Advantages with attached files

The advantage of having attached files in newsletters is that you are able to attach files in
your email. You may for instance attach files such as PDF’s, documents or different kinds of
image files.

Disadvantages with attached files

The disadvantage of having attached files in newsletters is that many large companies have
filters for email that limits the size of emails allowed to be sent and received. You should
therefore not attach large files in newsletters as many recipients will have problems receiving
the email. Emails with attached files are also more likely to get stuck in spam filters,
something to consider with regards to the deliverability.

Recommended file size: Max 1MB

Please consider when you use attached files in emails you will also force large amounts of
data. Many recipients may have a hard time receiving this amount of data, especially
considering the fact that many recipients today open their emails via their mobile phones.
In your reports you will not be able to see if your recipients have opened the attached files or
not. This is however possible if you upload the files on the web instead of attaching them to
the newsletter, and use the URL’s to link the files to your newsletter. Email send-outs with
attached files will take longer time to send out, due to the amount of data being sent. The
amount of data will be significantly much greater than for emails only containing images/files
that are linked to the newsletter.

Attach files to your newsletter (if you have the feature)

1. Open the newsletter in your newsletter editor.
2. Click to open the Settings tab.
3. Go down to the Attachment section where you should click the Choose file button to
browse the file you want to attach.

Accepted file formats for newsletter attachments:
Recommended file size: Max 1MB
4. Click the Upload button to attach the file you have selected.
The file will be displayed in a list under the Attachment section. Remove an attached file
from the newsletter by clicking the Remove icon next to the file in the list.
When the newsletter is sent, the file(s) will be attached to the newsletter in the recipients’

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