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Survey invitations
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

In the Invitations tab of your survey you will be able to create invitations and reminders to mailing lists on
your APSIS Pro account.

Distribute the survey by placing a link to the survey in one of your newsletters, or in an empty letter which
you can create in a HTML editor.

You may also distribute your survey by placing the survey directly on your website in a popup window, in
an iFrame or via a link. Read more about the different distribution options below.

Create an invitation

Create and schedule an invitation or a reminder to a mailing list(s).

1. Open the Invitations tab of your survey.

2. Enter your settings for the invitation/reminder you want to schedule:

Select which subscribers you want to send to:,

Filter – Apply a filter on the selected mailing list(s) for your survey invitation:

No filter – Send the invitation to the complete mailing list.

Not completed/Not started – Use this filter if you have already sent an invitation to the subscribers on the
mailing list before. The filter can be used for sending out a reminder to those who already have received
the survey, yet not completed or started it.

Cancelled – Send the invitation to those who have started the survey but have chosen to cancel it by
clicking the Cancel button in the survey.

(Select a filter) – Send an invitation to those subscribers matching the selected filter (this requires that you
have already created the filter under Recipient settings » Filters)

Mailing lists – The mailing list(s) you want to send your invitation email to (press the Ctrl-button to select
multiple lists).

Subject line – The subject line for your invitation email (The subject line of the newsletter will not be used
as subject line for the invitation).

Sender name – The sender name for your invitation email.

Sender email – The sender email address for your invitation email.

Delivery date – The distribution date and time of the invitation email. Check the Send immediately option
to send the invitation right away.

Select which letter you want to send, containing a link to the survey:

Select email – The newsletter used for your invitation email. The newsletter needs to include a link to the
survey (The newsletter will be listed in white).
To add the link to the survey in your newsletter, open the newsletter in your newsletter editor. Click on a
link in the newsletter, then select the survey from the drop-down list in the Edit tab.
You may also copy and paste the “Invitation via email” link from the Code tab in the Invitations tab of the
survey and paste into a link in your newsletter.

Create blank (HTML) email – Alternative to the newsletter. Create an invitation letter in a HTML-editor.
Please note that this email needs to include the link to the survey which is (##SurveyLink##).

3. Click on the Schedule button to save and schedule your invitation/reminder. The sending will be sent
according to your settings.

Other distribution options

If you want to distribute your survey directly on your website or put up a link to the survey on your
website, you will find the code for these distribution alternatives under the Code tab in the left hand menu
of the Invitations tab:

Display the survey in an iFrame – Place the survey in an iFrame on your website. Copy and paste the
code into a relevant page on your site. Please note that all incoming answers will be anonymous.

Display the survey in a JavaScript popup – Place the survey in a popup window on your website. Copy
and paste the code into a relevant page on your site. Please note that all incoming answers will be

Invitation link on website or in print – Place the link to the survey on your website, or in print. Copy and
paste the code into a relevant page on your site or paste it into the document you want to print. Please
note that all incoming answers will be anonymous.

Invitation via email – Send out invitations to the survey via email. Please note that the link can only be
used in emails sent via APSIS Pro. Copy the link and paste into the email you want to send.

Invitation link on website – Place the link to the survey on your website. Use this link if several participants
should answer the survey from the same computer. Previous answers will not remain when the survey is
reopened. Please note that all incoming answers will be anonymous.

4. View and export individual survey reports and customized reports

In the Reports tab you can view, create, edit, delete and export your survey reports. You will find both
individual responses and complete responses from all participants in the Reports tab.

The reports can be exported to Excel, PDF or CSV.

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