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Conditions and branching
Conditions and branching
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

With the Survey add-on you can easily create advanced surveys with conditions and branching technique
that enables you to lead the respondents to specific questions/pages in the survey depending on their
different answers.


Use conditions on survey pages, or individual modules. By adding a condition to a module or a page you
can set the conditions for whom the module/page should be displayed. The module/page will only be
displayed to the respondents whose answers or demographical data match the condition.

You have created a survey about pets. In a question on page 1 you ask the respondents if they have pets
or not. Then on page 2 you have a few questions, where one of the questions should only be shown to
respondents who on page 1 have answered that they are pet owners. You should then apply your
condition matching pet owners on this question on page 2. Only pet owners will see this question when
they get to the second page in the survey.


Use branching on answer alternatives in question modules. By adding branching to an answer alternative
you can redirect respondents to another survey page in your survey if they select the specific alternative.

You have created a survey about pets. In a question on page 1 you ask the respondents if they have pets
or not. Those who answer that they have pets should continue to page 2 and 3 in the survey with more
questions related to pet owners, whilst those who answer that they do not have any pets should be
redirected to the “Thank you” page of the survey. You should then apply a branching to the “Thank you”
page on the question alternative on page 1 for those who are not pet owners.

Create a condition

There are two ways to get to the Condition manager popup where you can create/edit conditions for your
Either in the settings tab for a module:
Click the Settings icon next to the module you want to apply a condition on. Then click the Condition
icon under Settings in the left-hand menu.

When you have clicked the Condition icon, you will enter the Condition manager popup where you
should create the statements of your condition.

1. Start by clicking the Create condition icon

2. Enter a suitable name for your condition.

3. Then click the Add statement icon and create a statement for your condition. You may create
multiple statements for the condition.

4. Start by selecting a category, i.e. which type of data the statement should be based on:

Question – Base the statement on one of the questions you have in your survey.
Demographical data- Base the statement on one of the demographic data you have on your account.

5. Then select the parameter for the statement, i.e. the specific question or demographic parameter you
want to use.

6. Select an operator, i.e. a requirement for the value of the question/demographic data you have
selected, the respondents answer/demographic data should:

<> - be greater or less than the value (everything but the exact value)
= - be identical with the value
Operators only available for textbox and text area questions:
LIKE – contain the value
NOT LIKE – not contain the value
> alphanumeric (abc123) – be less than the value, in alphabetical order possibly followed by numbers
< alphanumeric (abc123) - be greater than the value, in alphabetical order possibly followed by numbers
> numeric (123) – be less than the value, in numerical order
< numeric (123) - be greater than the value, in numerical order
> datum (yyyy-mm-dd) – be less than the value in numerical order (ie. earlier date)
< datum (yyyy-mm-dd) - be greater than the value in numerical order (ie. later date)

7. Select the value which should apply for the statement.

8. Lastly, select a setting for relatively last:

AND - Use AND when you want to create a condition with one or more statements where the respondent
needs to meet all the requirements of the statements to match the condition.
OR - Use OR when you want to create a condition with at least two statements where the respondent only
needs to meet one of the requirements of the statements to match the condition.

9. If you want to add another statement to the condition, simply click the Add statement . Otherwise
just click the Close button to save your condition and close the popup.

Apply a condition on a module

1. Click the Settings icon next to the module.

2. Selecting the condition from the Condition drop down list under Settings in the left-hand menu.
A tag will be applied on the module, indicating that the condition has been applied.

The module will only be displayed to the respondents whose answers or demographical data match the

Create branching on an answer alternative

1. Click the Branching icon next to the answer alternative you want to branch from.

2. Then select the survey page you want to redirect the respondents to if they select this answer

3. Click the Save button.

The branching icon of the question alternative will turn darker indicating that a branching is enabled
for that specific alternative. If a respondent selects the answer alternative you have branched, the
respondent will be redirected to the survey page you have chosen for the branching.

Please note that when using the question module Check boxes, where the respondent has the possibility
to select more than one answer alternative, the respondent will be redirected to the page that is the first
one to be branched in the list of selected answer alternatives. Thus, branching is prioritized from top to

Create and schedule invitations to the survey

In the Invitations tab of your survey you will be able to create invitations and reminders to mailing lists on
your APSIS Pro account. Distribute the survey by placing a link to the survey in one of your newsletters,
or in an empty letter which you can create in a HTML editor

You may also distribute your survey by placing the survey directly on your website in a popup window, in
an iFrame or via a link.

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