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Edit the contents of your survey
Edit the contents of your survey
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

In the Survey tab of your survey you are able to add edit and remove the contents of the survey pages in
your survey.

Please note that once a survey has received incoming answers from respondents, the survey will be
active. Any changes of the contents in an active survey may lead to misrepresentations of incoming
answers, potential response data loss and other response-related issues.
The reports will reflect the survey's current content. Questions that have been removed will not be
available in the reports and questions and answers that have changed will be displayed according to the
latest updates.

Add, edit or remove modules

Add a module to the survey page:

Add a module into your survey by dragging it from the left-hand menu and dropping it into your current
survey page. A module can be inserted as many times as you want.

Edit the text content of a module

Edit the text content of a module by clicking on the content inside the module, and changing the text.

Remove a module from the survey page

Remove a module from your survey by clicking on the module and then on the Delete icon, or
dropping the module into the trash can in the left-hand menu.

Add or remove answer alternatives

Add a new answer alternative:
Add a new option in a question module with the Add alternative icon.

Remove an answer alternative:
Remove an option with the Remove icon.

Add multiple answer alternatives

For question modules such as Radio buttons, Check boxes and Drop-down lists, you will be able to add
multiple answer alternatives to the question by pasting a list of options directly from a text file.
Click the Add multiple alternatives icon at the top menu of the module and paste your alternatives in
the text box.

Edit the settings for a question module

Edit the settings for a question module by clicking on the Settings icon at the top menu of the module.
Depending on the type of question module, you may find these options:

Mandatory - Check this option if the question is mandatory. The participant cannot continue to any further
pages of the survey, or complete the survey if the question has not been answered.

Alias – Alias can be used to calculate the average value of the answers for a question of the type: Radio
button, Matrix or Scale, or to simply give the module an alias name which can be displayed instead of the
questions title in the survey report. If you want to give the module an alias name, simply enter the name in
the Alias text box in the settings of the question module. If you want to use alias to be able to calculate an
average value of the answers for the question, you should click the Edit aliases for the alternatives
icon in the settings of the question module and enter a numerical value for each of the answer
alternatives of the question.

Condition – Set a condition for the module. The module will only be displayed to the participants whose
answers or demographic data match the condition.

Move question – Move the module to another page in your survey.

Unique answers – Set a maximum amount of allowed unique incoming answers for the question module.
Each answer alternative in the module can only be selected as many times as the number that is set. If
used on a text field/box, any identical content (e.g. an email address) can only be entered as many times
as the number that is set.
An error text will be generated if a participant tries to select or enter an answer that has reached its limit.
You can edit the error messages in your survey template editor.

Format – Select the format of a textbox/text area:
String (allow anything)
Alphanumerical (allow both letters and numbers)
Numerical (allow only numbers)
Float (allow numbers and decimals with dots or comma)
Date (allow date formats (yyyy-mm-dd)
URL (E.g. http://. )
Email (
Swedish personNumber/Social security number (yymmdd-xxxx)
Any incorrect formats will generate an error text. You can edit the error messages in your survey template

Width characters – Set the width for a textbox/text area in number of characters. 0 = default width.

Width (pixels) – Set the width for a textbox/text area in pixels. 0 = default width.

Height (rows) – Set the height of the text area in number of rows. 0 = default height.

Min length (0=∞) – Set the minimum amount of characters that need to be typed. 0 = unlimited length.

Max length (0=∞) - Set the maximum amount of characters that can be typed. 0 = unlimited length.

Number of columns – Display the answer alternatives in columns. Select the number of columns from
the dropdown-list.

Minimum choices – The participant can select no less than the minimum amount of choices (answer
alternatives) for the question.

Maximum choices - The participant can select no more than the maximum amount of choices (answer
alternatives) for the question.

Allow others – The participant will have the possibility to select the alternative “Other” to type in their own
answer to the question in a text field.

Random alternatives – If you have 10 alternatives to your question, you may select that only 3 randomly
chosen alternatives should be displayed. The answer alternatives will vary for each participant.

Data source – This option enables you to automatically insert already set values for a specific
demographical data field on your APSIS Pro account as answer alternatives for the question module.

Please note that for question modules such as Radio buttons, Checkboxes and Drop-down lists, you will
be able to change the question type by selecting another type from the Change type section above the
Settings section in the Edit tab.

Edit the settings for an element module

Edit a module’s settings by clicking on the Edit icon at the top menu of the module.
Depending on the type of element module, you may find these options:

Condition – Set a condition for the module. The module will only be displayed to the participants whose
answers or demographical data match the condition.

Dynamic content – Click this button to view the list of available dynamic parameters which can be copied
and pasted into the text content of the module.
When the survey is sent to a mailing list, the parameters will be exchanged by the subscriber's real data,
provided that the subscriber data for the current parameters has been saved in the mailing list.

Move element – Move the module to another page in your survey.

Link text – Set the name/text for te link. This is the name/text that the participant can click on.

Link URL – Set the web address.

Image URL – Set the web address for the image you want to use or click on the Image gallery icon to
select an image from your image gallery.

Width (pixels) – Set the width of the module content in pixels. 0 = default size.

Height (pixels) – Set the height of the module content in pixels. 0 = default size.

Alignment – Set the alignment of the module content; left, center or right.

Background color – Set the background color of the module.

Add, edit or remove survey pages

At the top menu of the Survey tab you may find the tabs with the different pages in your survey. Click on a
tab to edit the content of the survey page.

Click the Add icon to add a new survey page, and click the Remove icon to remove the current
page you are on.

Test the survey

Click the Test survey button to view and test your survey.

Overview of the survey

Click the Overview button to view the flow of the different survey pages and the modules you have placed
on each page.
In the overview of the survey you can use simple drag and drop technique to move modules from one
survey page to another, or rearrange the order of your modules inside a survey page.

You can also change the order of the answer alternatives in a question by clicking on the module and
then rearrange the alternatives through simple drag and drop technique.

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