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All CollectionsApsis ProSurvey
Creating a survey (Quick guide)
Creating a survey (Quick guide)
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

The Survey add-on is designed to help you create, send and evaluate Internet-based surveys, marked
researches, staff surveys and other types of advanced forms.

1. Enter the general settings for your survey

Create a new survey by clicking the New icon in the Content section of the main menu. In the
pop-up window, select Survey.

You will enter the Settings tab of the survey where you should fill in the general settings for the survey.
Click the Save button when you are done with your settings.

Survey settings

In the Settings tab of your survey you will be able to enter the general settings for the survey.

When you create a new survey, you will enter the Settings tab where you will be able to enterthe general settings for your survey. Don’t forget to click the Save button when you are done
with your settings:

Survey name - The name of the survey. Keep the Browser title option checked if you also want to use this
name in the web browser (visible to the participants). Uncheck the Browser title option if you want the
Survey name to be used as an internal name and have a separate name in the web browser.

Max answers - If you want to limit the number of incoming answers to your survey, select a maximum
number of answers that you want to allow. Leave it on zero (0) if you want the number of incoming
answers to be unlimited.

Select a “Max answers” page - This option is only visible if a max number of answers is set. Select where
to redirect new participants if the max number of incoming answers already has been met. Choose
between showing a survey page or redirecting the participants to a webpage.
Edit your "Max answers" survey page in the Survey tab.

Last day of survey - If you want the survey to only be activated for a specific period of time, then select a
last day date for when the survey should be available for participants.
Select a “Last day” page - This option is only visible if a last day of survey is set. Select where to redirect
new participants that try to start the survey after the last day has expired. Choose between showing a
survey page, or redirecting the participants to a webpage.
Edit your "Last day" survey page in the Survey tab.

Select a “Thank you” page – Redirect the participants to a thank you page when they have
completed the survey. Choose between showing a "Thank you" survey page, or redirecting the
participants to a webpage.
Edit your "Thank you" survey page in the Survey tab.

Default language – Select the default language of your survey.
If you want to make your survey available in other languages, then create the translations for
your survey in the Translations tab. You will be able to translate all the text included in your
survey; from headings, questions and descriptions to system messages and button texts. Your
participants will be able to select which language they want to do their survey in, by selecting
one of your translated languages from a dropdown list in the upper right corner of the survey.

Template - Select a template to use on your survey. The template determines the survey's
layout and settings for texts, buttons and system messages.

When revisiting the survey – Select an action for when a participant revisits the survey after
having completed it once. You can select to let the participant view his previous answers, show
the survey page “Revisit”, redirect the participant to a website or reset the participant’s previous

Edit your “Revisit” page in the Survey tab.

The survey is anonymous – Check this option if you don’t want to include any demographical
data in the survey reports.
Please note that once the survey has been set as anonymous, it cannot be changed back to a
non-anonymous survey.

Show the progress bar - Keep this option checked if you want to display a progress bar in the
survey that shows what page you are on in the survey.

Use Https – Change all links to the survey into https links instead of http links.

Use custom button labels (overrides any style settings) - This option is useful if you want to
change the labels of the action buttons in the survey without having to make changes in any
template used.

Other options

Delete all responses – Click this button to delete all incoming responses to your survey.

Copy – Click this button to make a copy of your survey.

Survey automations

In the left-hand menu of the Settings tab in your survey you will find a tab named Automations.
Apply automations to your survey in order to generate actions when receiving incoming answers from
respondents. E.g. adding a participant of the survey as a subscriber to a specific mailing list on your
APSIS Pro account or sending a message to a specific recipient each time someone completes the
Apply conditions on your automations if you only want them to apply for respondents matching the
different conditions.

Create automation: "Add to mailing list"

Add respondents as subscribers to a selected mailing list on your APSIS Pro each time they complete
the survey. Also, add survey results as subscriber information (demographic data), by matching your
demographic data fields with the different questions from your survey.

1. Open the Settings tab of your survey.
In the left-hand menu you will find a tab named Automations.
2. Click the Add icon to create a new automation.

3.Select a suitable name for your action by changing the “Default Action Name” text. The name is
internal. If no name is set, the automation will be named “Add to mailing list”.
4. Then select Add to mailing list from the automation drop down list of available automations.
5. Select the mailing list you want to add the participants to.
6. Then select which answers from the survey you want to import as subscriber data in the mailing list.
On the left you will find the subscriber data and demographical data fields on your account, and on the
right you will find drop down lists with the questions from your survey.

7. Click on the Save button to save your settings. Your automation will now be activated.

Create automation: "Send survey result"

Send out survey results to a recipient each time someone completes the survey. The email with the
respondent’s results can be sent to either a pre-defined email address, or the respondent who
completed the survey.

1. Open the Settings tab of your survey. In the left-hand menu you will find a tab named Automations.
2. Click the Add icon to create a new automation.

3.Select a suitable name for your action by changing the “Default Action Name” text. The name is
internal. If no name is set, the automation will be named “Sens survey result”.
4. Then select Send survey result from the automation drop down list of available automations.
5. Enter sending details and a short message for the e-mail that will go out to the recipient who should
receive the survey results.
6. Then select if the survey results should be sent to a pre-defined email address, or if it should be sent
to the respondent who completed the survey.

Send automated messages to anonymous respondents:

In order to send out automated messages to respondents that are anonymous, you need to have a text
box module in your survey asking for the respondents email address. Select this email text box in your
survey automation.
If the respondent is anonymous, the automated message will be sent to the email address entered in
this textbox. If the respondent’s email address is known, meaning the invitation was sent to a mailing
list on your account, the respondent’s (subscriber's) regular email address will be used.
7. Click on the Save button to save your settings. Your automation will now be activated.

Create automation: "Send HTML message"

Send out a newsletter to a recipient each time someone completes the survey. The newsletter can be
sent to either a pre-defined email address, or the respondent who completed the survey.

Dynamic text in the newsletter:

The newsletter will be sent as SMTP sending just like when sending to a single subscriber, which
means that filters applied in the newsletter and some dynamic content will not work.
However, demographic data and the following standard parameters will work:

##SubscriberEmail## The respondents email address
##SubscriberName## The respondents name
##PhoneNumber## The respondents mobile number
##CountryCode## The respondents country code
##Password## The respondents password

Please note that the newsletter will be sent as SMTP sending just like when sending to a single
subscriber, which means that filters applied in the newsletter and dynamic text will not work.

Create automation: "Send simple message"

Send out a simple text message to a recipient each time someone completes the survey. The text
message can be sent to either a pre-defined email address, or the respondent who completed the

1. Open the Settings tab of your survey. In the left-hand menu you will find a tab named Automations.
2. Click the Add icon to create a new automation.

3.Select a suitable name for your action by changing the “Default Action Name” text. The name is
internal. If no name is set, the automation will be named “Send simple message”.
4. Then select Send simple message from the automation drop down list of available automations.
5. Enter your sender details the simple text message you want to send.
6. Then select if the message should be sent to a pre-defined email address, or if it should be sent to
the respondent who completed the survey.

Send automated messages to anonymous respondents:
In order to send out automated messages to respondents that are anonymous, you need to have a text
box module in your survey asking for the respondents email address. Select this email text box in your
survey automation.
If the respondent is anonymous, the automated message will be sent to the email address entered in
this textbox. If the respondent’s email address is known, meaning the invitation was sent to a mailing
list on your account, the respondent’s (subscriber's) regular email address will be used.
7. Click on the Save button to save your settings. Your automation will now be activated.

Play / Pause your automations

1. Open the Settings tab of your survey. In the left-hand menu you will find a tab named Automations.
2. Activate or deactivate your automations by clicking on the Play/Pause buttons next to the

Create and edit the content of your survey

Once you have saved the settings for your survey, you will be redirected to the Survey tab. This is where
you create the content of your survey. In the left hand menu of the Survey tab, you will find all the
available modules that you can put into your survey:

Question modules (Text box, Text area, Checkbox, Radio button, Drop-down list, Matrix and Scale).Element modules (Heading, Description, Comment, HTML code, Link, Image, Space).

Add a module into your survey by dragging it from the left-hand menu and dropping it into your current
survey page. A module can be inserted as many times as you want.

Edit the text content of a module by clicking on the content inside the module and change the text.

Edit the settings and conditions for a module by clicking the Settings icon on the right-hand corner of
the module.

Click the Branching icon on the right-hand side of an answer alternative to create a branching from
the question to a specific page in the survey.

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