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PRO ACADEMY (videos)
LESSON 6 - Demographic Data + Filters
LESSON 6 - Demographic Data + Filters
Mikael Molin avatar
Written by Mikael Molin
Updated over a week ago


  • 6.1 Demographic Data

  • 6.2 Filter Introduction - Create and Apply

  • 6.3 Filter with Multiple Statements
    ​ Using < >, Like, larger than
    ​ Filter in Relation to Another filter

  • 6.4 Filter - Based on Date

  • 6.5 Filter - Based on Subscriber Activity

6.1 Demographic Data

6.2 Filter Introduction - Create and Apply

6.3 Filter with Multiple Statements

Using < >, Like, larger than
​Filter in Relation to Another filter

6.4 Filter - Based on Date

6.5 Filter - Based on Subscriber Activity

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