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Exports, link alias and filtered reports
Exports, link alias and filtered reports
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

In each report tab in the delivery report of your sending you will find a menu in the top left corner with three tabs: Export, Link Alias and Filter.

With the help of the functions in these tabs you will be able to export report data from the delivery report, change the names (alias) of the links included in the newsletter so that it will be easier to read the report, and also create filtered copies of the report which will be available as separate delivery reports in the Reports section of the main menu.

» Export

Export to PDF

1. Click the Export tab in the menu to the left in your report tab.

2. Select the format PDF.

3. Then select which report tab you want to export:

  • Export selected tab (The current report tab you are on).

  • Export all tabs (All report tabs in the delivery report).

4. Click the Export button.

Export to Excel

1. Click the Export tab in the menu to the left in your report tab.

2. Select the format Excel.

3. Click the Export button.

4. The exported Excel file will include four sheets with the following reports:

  • Delivery report (Contains general information about the sending and its delivery results).

  • Opens (Shows which subscribers have opened the newsletter and in which delivery format).

  • Links (Shows which subscribers have clicked on the different links in the newsletter and when they have clicked the links).

  • Bounces (Shows which newsletters have bounced, when they bounced and information about the concerned subscribers).

Export to CSV

1. Click the Export tab in the menu to the left in your report tab.

2. Select the format CSV.

3. Then select one of the available reports from the dropdown list:

  • Delivery report (Contains general information about the sending and its delivery results).

  • Opens (Shows which subscribers have opened the newsletter and in which delivery format).

  • Links (Shows which subscribers have clicked on the different links in the newsletter and when they have clicked the links).

  • Bounces (Shows which newsletters have bounced, when they bounced and information about the concerned subscribers).

4. Click the Export button.

Other export options

In the report tabs for the graphical and numerical reports there are export options for most of the different statistics in the reports.

For example, click a specific link to view its click statistics, or click the Unique opened to see which subscribers have chosen to open the newsletter. The statistics can be exported to Excel or CSV.

» Link Alias

Create alias names for your links. The link alias will replace the URL addresses of the links in the delivery report, making it easier to read the report.


Instead of having a link displayed with its long URL:

You can enter a short and descriptive alias for the link: Article about surveys

1. Click the Link Alias tab in the menu to the left in your report tab.

2. Enter descriptive alias for your links in the Link Alias text fields.

3. Click the Save button.

» Filter

Create a filtered version of the report.

1. Click the Filter tab in the menu to the left in your report tab.

2. Select a filter from the dropdown list.

The filtered report will now be created. It will only contain statistics from those subscribers on the mailing list used for the sending, who matches selected filter.

The report will be available as a separate report in the Reports section of the main menu, with the name of the filter inside brackets.

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