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About: Reports
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

After you have sent a newsletter (or SMS) to a mailing list, a report will always be created and displayed in the Reports section of your account. The report will include different tabs with different kinds of reports: Graphical, Numerical, Links, Trend and Social media.

Shows the graphical report of the sending (statistics displayed in numbers and graphical charts). The report includes information about the number of sent emails, bounces, opened emails (over time), click statistics and other statistics such as the number of forwards, unsubscriptions, opens of the newsletters web version and (if any) spam complaints.

Shows the numerical report of the sending (statistics displayed in numbers and tables). The numerical report shows the same statistics as in the graphical report, although presented in tables instead of graphical charts. In the numerical report you also have the possibility to do index comparisons with other companies within the same business.

Shows the link report of the sending. You will get a graphical overview of the entire newsletter where you can see how many recipients have chosen to click on the different links.

Shows the trend report of the sending, where you have the possibility to analyze the development of your newsletter sendings. You can laborate by choosing which sendings, during which timer range and which mailing lists you want to compare in your trend analytic report. In the trend report you will be able to see the development of the activity among your subscribers, the number of bounced emails, the number of unsubscriptions and the click rate of links included in the sendings you have chosen to compare.

» Tab: Social media

Shows the report for social media, where you can see the sharing results of all the social media sharing links you have included in your newsletter. How many (and who) has chosen to share, twitter or even retwitter the link to your newsletter via the different social media networks.


If the report should not only include delivery statistics but also statistics on opened emailsandclicks on links in the newsletter, it is important that you have the alternative Tracking activated in the newsletter editor when you create the letter so that tracking tags can be added to the different links. The alternative must be activated before you send the newsletter to the mailing list.

Snoobi-Apsis Analytics reports

If you have activated Snoobi-tracking on the links in your newsletter, an extra tab named Snoobi-Apsis Analytics will be available in your report. Here you will see the Snoobi-results from your sending, i.e. how many of the recipients who, via the newsletter, entered your website, which pages they visited and how many reached the goals you had set on your Snoobi-account.

Light-account reports

The reports generated by the newsletters sent from your light-accounts will be placed in a separate ta b in the Reports section of your account. The tab is named Light-account reports.

Please note that your light-accounts only will have access to the graphical reports of their own sendings. They will however only have access to the overall statistics, meaning how many letters were sent, opened, bounced and how many clicked on the different links, not who.

Trashcan for reports

In the Reports section of your account your will find the trashcan for your reports. Each time you remove a report it will be placed in this trashcan until you open the trashcan and restore the report orpermanently remove the report from the account.

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