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Where do I find the results from my poll question?
Where do I find the results from my poll question?
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

1. Open the report from your newsletter sending where the poll question was included.

2. Then open the Numerical report tab.

In the link statistics table at the bottom of the report you will find a few links starting with the URL: ”” - These are the individual links for each of the different answer alternatives in your poll question.

Identify the answer alternatives in your report

Each answer alternatives of the poll question has a unique ID. The answer alternatives ID’s increase in numerical order meaning that the first answer alternative in the poll question will always have the lowest ID number. The ID is always included in the Link URL of each answer alternative.

Identify the ID of each answer alternatives in the newsletter-editor

You may also identify the ID’s of your answer alternatives by opening your newsletter in the Previewtab of the newsletter-editor.

Simply hover over each answer alternative with your mouse to view its ID number (displayed at the bottom of the browser).

Tip: Apply alias

A good idea is to apply alias names on the different answer alternatives instead of displaying the link URL's in the report:

1. Open the Link Alias tab in the menu to the left of your report.

2. Change the alias for your different answer alternatives.

3. Click the Save button.

The report will display the link by its alias instead of its URL address.

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