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What are bounces?
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

In the reports from your newsletter sendings you can see how many email messages that have bounced. A bounced email is an email that for some reason could not be delivered to the recipient.

Bounces can be divided into different categories:

  • Hard bounces - A hard bounce is typically due to the e-mail address not being valid. The e-mail address might be misspelled or non-existing or the email account might also have been closed.

  • Soft bounces - A soft bounce means that the e-mail address does exist, though the recipient's inbox might be full and can therefore not receive any e-mails.

  • Technical bounces - This type of bounce might be due to a temporary problem at the recipients e-mail server. The server might not have been available at the time of the sending, it might be temporarily down, overloaded etc.

  • Other bounces - We do not have any information for this type of bounce, due to the fact that the recipient’s server has not sent back any information to our sending servers.

Please note that emails that have been stopped by spam filters do not always result as bounced messages.

In the bounce statistics in your reports you might find the follwoing bounce categories and reasons:





General hard bounce

Failed to deliver the message due to unspecified permanent error.


Invalid recipient

The email address is either misspelled, or does not exist.


Bad domain

The domain name is either misspelled, or does not exist.


Address error

The email address might contain invalid characters.


Closed account

The recipient's mailbox has been closed.


Mailbox is full

Recipient's mailbox is full or has exceeded storage allocation.


Server is currently too busy

Unable to deliver the message to the recipient due to temporary error on receiving side.


Account is inactive

The recipient's mailbox is inactive.


General error

Failed to deliver the message due to unspecified reasons.


Data format error

Format error somewhere in the data.


Network error

Unable to deliver the message due to a network related error.


Other receiver error

Failed to deliver the message due to unspecified reasons on receiving side.


Server is currently too busy

Unable to deliver the message to the recipient due to temporary error on receiving side.


Network error

Unable to deliver the message due to a network related error.


Other receiver error

Failed to deliver the message due to unspecified reasons on receiving side.

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