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About: Demographic data
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

About: Demographic data

Demographic data is defined as the information you can store about each subscriber, except for name,email address, password, mobile number and country code which are default standard parameters in APSIS Pro. Demographic data is the main factor for creating personalized content in your email marketing sendouts.


An online footwear store might use the demographic data fields “gender” (male/female) in order to send relevant offers to its customers. The information stored can be used in filters which can be applied on modules in newsletters to segment which content the recipients should get depending on which values they have stored in their demographic data. You may for instance apply a filter for women on the content modules in your newsletter that concerns women’s shoes, and likewise a filter for men on content modules concerning men’s shoes.

It is up to you to decide what kind of information you want to store about your subscriber. You have by default 25 fields at your disposal. Each one of these can store different kinds of information about each subscriber. (Max 500 characters per data field can be saved for each subscriber). Once you have created your data fields, they will be available in the import process when importing subscribers to a mailing list. If you have details (in addition to the email addresses) about your subscribers in your import file you can match the data from your file with the demographic data fields you have created in APSIS Pro.

Importing subscribers with demographic data

If you already possess demographic data about your subscribers that you wish to import together with your subscribers’ email addresses, you should place each type of demographic data in a separate column of your Excel file (comma separated in CSV). The headings for each type of data should be entered in the first row and the subscribers and their values should be inserted in the rows below:

Note that you always have to include the subscribers’ email addresses in one of the columns of your import file in order for the import to work. The subscribers’ email addresses are used as subscriber ID’s making sure your imported values are being connected to the right subscribers on the account.

Prepare your import by creating the demographic data fields you want to have on your account before importing the subscribers. During the import process you will match these fields with the demographic data (headings) from your import file.

Creating demographic data fields to collect demographic data

If you only have information about your subscribers’ email addresses and perhaps their names, then creating demographic data fields on your APSIS Pro account is a great way to start collecting demographic data about your subscribers.

Start by deciding what kind of data you want to collect about your subscribers; first names, last names, birthdates, genders, postal addresses, phone numbers etc. Think about what data you can use to improve your email marketing. You can save whatever data you like (each subscriber can store information up to 500 characters per demographic data field).

Ways of collecting demographic data in APSIS Pro

In APSIS Pro you can use your subscription form(s) and the update subscription form##UpdateMySubscription## to get your subscribers to add/edit their demographic data and subscriptions. You may also use our Survey tool to create surveys where you let the subscribers (respondents) provide you with information. The information can be directly sent from their incoming answers and placed into selected demographical data fields on your account.

Using demographic data in text

You can use your demographic data to personalize the text content of your emails and SMS. For example, if you have saved your subscribers’ first names in a demographic data named “FirstName” you can use the parameter of this data in your text content like this: “Hi ##FirstName##”. When sending the email to a mailing list, the system will get the data saved in this field and replace the demographic data field with the subscribers’ first names. Subscribers on the list who do not have any data saved will only receive the text “Hi”.

Using demographic data in filters

You can create filters based on your demographical data. Filters allow you to define different types of recipients that you can provide with different messages. E.g. you can create a filter selecting women inLondon. Filters can be applied in most features in APSIS Pro. They allow you to segment both recipients of your mailing lists and contents of your newsletters based on the subscribers’ demographic data and/or history of actions. Filtering features are found in mailing lists, when creating module based newsletters, when scheduling sendings, when handling reports, events, triggers and more. You can create unlimited number of filters on your account.

Filters can be based on:

  • Demographic data

  • Clicks

  • Opens

  • Dates

  • Filters

  • Surveys

  • Clicks (triggered email)

  • Opens (triggered email)

A filter may also be based on many different statements, e.g. women in Sweden who have opened newsletter x and clicked the link x.

Read more » About: Filters

Using filters based on demographic data to segment content in module based newsletters

If you want to send out a newsletter where some of its content should be displayed to only a segmented part of your subscribers, you can apply a filter (based on the demographical statements you want to use) on each of these modules. The filtered modules will only be included in the newsletter of those subscribers who match the filters applied. Modules in the newsletter which have not been applied any filters will be displayed to all subscribers.

Using demographic to segment a sending

If you want to send out an email or an SMS to only a segmented part of your mailing list, e.g. only to the women on your mailing list, you can apply a filter based on these demographical statements when selecting the mailing list for your sending. When the email / SMS is sent, it will only be sent to the subscribers on the mailing list(s) who matches the filter. It works perfectly fine to combine filtered content (modules) in the newsletters with filtered sendings.

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