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Create a proofreading list
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

» Create a proofreading list

It’s always good to have at least one proofreading list on your account which you can use to send out proofreadings of your newsletters to yourself and/or a couple of colleagues. Your proofreading lists will always be available in the Settings tab of the newsletter editor where you create your newsletters. This enables you to send test sendings to your proofreading list directly from the newsletter editor. You create a proofreading list the same way you create a regular mailing list, with the exception that you also have to check the proofreading option in the advanced settings of your mailing list. When you select that the mailing list should be a proofreading list, the list will automatically be checked as a hidden mailing list, meaning that it will not be visible to your subscribers (in your subscription / unsubscription forms).

1. Click the New

icon in the Recipients section of the main menu.

2. You will enter the Settings tab of the mailing list where you should enter the:

  • Name – The name of the proofreading list.

  • Sender name – The sender name used for sendings to the proofreading list.

  • Sender email address – The sender email address used for sendings to the proofreading list.

  • Description – In this text box you may enter a short description about the proofreading list (optional).

3. Check the option This is a proofreading list, then hit the Save button.

4. By checking the option Show advanced settings you will be able to edit other settings for the mailing list. Here you will find that the proofreading list has automatically been checked as a hidden list, meaning that it will not be visible for your subscribers (e.g. in subscription / unsubscription forms). You may at any time go back and change this setting.

» Send a proofreading test mail

After you have created the proofreading list, it will be available in the Settings tab of your newsletter editor every time you create/edit one of your newsletters. This enables you to send test mails to the proofreading list directly from the newsletter editor.

After you have sent a test mail to the proofreading list, a delivery report will be available in the Reportssection of the main menu.

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