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Create a preview / spam report
Create a preview / spam report
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

» Create a preview / spam report

1. Click the New

icon in the Spam preview / spam report section of the main menu to create a preview / spam report.

2. Select the newsletter you want to test and what profile of email clients you want to use for the tests:

Desktop clients:

Web clients:

Mobile clients:

Lotus Notes 8

Gmail (Explorer)

Android 2.3*

Outlook 2007

Yahoo! Mail (Explorer)

Android 4.0*

Outlook 2010

AOL Mail (Explorer)*

BlackBerry 4 OS*

Apple Mail 5*

AOL Mail (Firefox)*

BlackBerry 5 OS*

Apple Mail 6*

Gmail (Explorer)*


Lotus Notes 6.5*

Gmail (Firefox)*

iPhone 4S*

Lotus Notes 7* (Explorer)*

iPhone 5*

Lotus Notes 8* (Firefox)*


Lotus Notes 8.5*

Yahoo! Mail (Explorer)*

Windows Phone 7.5*

Outlook 2000*

Outlook 2002/XP*

Outlook 2003*

Outlook 2007*

Outlook 2010*

Outlook 2013*

Plain Text*

Thunderbird 3.0*

Thunderbird latest*

Yahoo! Mail (Firefox)*

* Only included in the extended version

of spam reports. Please contact your APSIS contact if you want to order the extended version of Spam Report.

3. Then click the Create preview button to start the spam preview test.

It will take between 5 – 30 minutes before you will receive the results from the test sendings. In theSpam preview / spam report section of the main menu you are able to see how many results have been received. Click on your newsletter to open the spam preview report.

» Read the preview / spam report


In the Preview tab you can preview how the test newsletter was be displayed in the different mail clients.

The different mail clients are arranged in tabs:

  • Desktop – Desktop mail clients (e.g. Outlook, Lotus)

  • Web – Web mail clients (e.g. Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo)

  • Mobile – Mobile clients (e.g. Blackberry, iPhone)

Screenshot of the mail in the preview window of the mail client (with images downloaded)

Screenshot of the mail in the preview window of the mail client (with images blocked)

Screenshot of the mail when it has been opened in the mail client (with images downloaded)

Screenshot of the mail when it has been opened in the mail client (with images blocked)


In the Deliverability tab you will be able to see the report from SpamAssassin and the spam test results from the email clients you included in your preview/spam report:

  • Passed – The email passed the spam filter of the mail client and ended up in the inbox.

  • Failed – The email did not pass the spam filter of the mail client and ended up in the junk mail.

In the SpamAssassin report you can see your scores which can be positive or negative, with positive values indicating spam and negative indicating that your email is not a spam message. The higher the score, the higher the probability that your email message is spam (Failed). The minimum score for spam is 5. Any score below 5 will indicate that your email is not a spam message (Passed).

If your email failed to pass the spam test, you can click the SpamAssassin report to view the spam scores. You might get some hints of what to change in regards to the content, text version, subject, images etc. of your email.

Check list – Avoid your email being classified as spam:

  • Check the length of your subject line. Keep it under 45 characters, including spaces.

  • Check if the subject line is being repeated in the text of the mail. Repeated text may be looked at as spam.

  • Check words that are outlined with bold texture, this may be looked at as spam.

  • Check if the text is larger than default. Large font sizes may be looked at as spam.

  • Check if there is a balance between images and text in the newsletter to the degree that you have image-text-image-text and so on. Too many images and large images may be looked at as spam.

  • Check if offers are written in the text (sale, offer, rebate, %-sign). Especially in Danish; rabatt,tillbud, %.

  • Remove any Lorem ipsum-text in the mail. This standard text may be looked at as spam.

  • More than 500 signs in a module may be looked at as spam. However this is an issue that we are working on to solve.

  • Many e-mail clients react on advanced HTML code. Do not use Javascript or advance HTML forms in your mail.

Words that may be looked at as spam:

  • Win

  • Free

  • The % included with a number

  • Discount

  • XXX

  • Natural

  • 100%

  • Completely

  • Totally

  • All

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