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Creating a mailinglist
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

» Create a mailing list

1. Click the New

icon under the Recipients section of the main menu.

2. You will enter the tab called Settings. Fill in the three primal settings for your mailing list:

  • Name - The name should preferably be a name that works both internal and for your customers when you later on will use the mailing list name in your subscription form and unsubscribe form.

  • Sender name - The sender name will be displayed as the sender of the newsletter when your recipients receive their mail from you. Writing the company name, e.g. APSIS or the company name and newsletter together e.g. APSIS newsletter, tends to give good results.

  • Sender email address - The sender email address is the address that will be displayed as the sender address of the newsletter when your recipients receive their mail from you. Those who wish to reply on your newsletter will reply to this address. To avoid problems with spam filters, this should be a valid address. To avoid missing important emails it should also be an email address that you have access to.

Please note that using a sender address of your own domain, e.g. without authenticating the APSIS Pro server as an accepted sending server for this email address, might affect the deliverability of emails sent to your own company’s email addresses.

Description - In this text box you can write a description for the mailing list. This description willnot be displayed to the subscribers.

  • This is a proofreading list - Check this option if you want the list to be used as a proofreading list. The list will automatically be checked as a hidden list under Advanced settings, which means that it will not be displayed to the subscribers, e.g. in subscription or unsubscription forms.

3. Click the Save button to save your mailing list settings, or check the alternative Show advanced settings in order to make further settings for the mailing list.

» Advanced settings

Check the alternative Show advanced settings to display the advanced settings for your mailing list.

  • Character set – Use this setting to make sure that you message is delivered in a format that is readable by all your subscribers. If you want a specific character set use “ISO-8859-1” for European characters and for US use “US-ASCII”. "UTF-8" uses Unicode which has started to replace ASCII, ISO 8859 and EUC at all levels. It enables users to handle practically any language used on this planet.

  • This is a hidden list. It should not be visible to subscribers – Check this option if you want the list to be hidden for your subscribers, e.g. in your subscription and unsubscription forms. If you have checked the option "This is a proofreading list" the list will automatically be checked as a hidden list.

Auto-send newsletter to new subscribers

Use this setting to send out a newsletter to all new subscribers added to the mailing list. You can choose to always send out the latest newsletter (sent to the mailing list) or select a specific newsletter.

Auto-send SMS to new subscribers

Use this setting to send out an SMS to all new subscribers added to the mailing list. You can choose to always send out the latest SMS (sent to the mailing list) or select a specific SMS.

Limited subscription

Check this option if you want the subscribers to receive a limited number of mailings. This option can be used for subscribers who pay for their subscriptions (e.g. if they have a three or six month long subscription).

Subscription/Unsubscription messages

When a subscriber has completed a subscription /unsubscription form the subscriber will receive a confirmation message in their web browser. Check this option to include your header and footer on the page of this confirmation message.

The HTML code for the header and footer can be created/edited under Recipient Settings » Header / Footer .

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