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Getting started guide
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

1. Create a mailing list

Click the New

icon under the Recipient section of the main menu. You will enter the Settings tab of the new mailing list where you should enter three main settings: the name of the mailing list, the sender name and the sender email address.


2. Import addresses to your mailing list

Open the Add tab inside the mailing list and select the import option Import from Excel or CSV. Then upload your file with email addresses.


3. Subscriber messages

Click the Recipient settings

icon in the Recipients section of the main menu. In the tabs namedMessages and Header/Footer you can choose to customize the messages sent out at subscriptions, unsubscriptions, tell-a-friend etc.

4. Create a newsletter

Create a new newsletter by clicking the Newsletter tab in the Content section of the main menu. Click the New

icon, and start creating your newsletter. Remember to also create a text version of the newsletter.

5. Create a preview/spam report

In the Preview / Spam report section of the main menu you are able to test the deliverability of your newsletter by sending out test mails to different email clients that will show how the newsletter is going to be displayed in the different email clients.

Open the report from the preview / spam report to view the results from the test sendings, preview the newsletter in the different email clients, see if they have been classified as spam and put in the junk mail, or if they have passed the spam filters and ended up in the inboxes of the different email clients. View the spam report to get information about what you might have to change in your newsletter in order to minimize the risk of getting your newsletter classified as spam.

6. Make a proofreading sending

A good rule is to always make a proof sending to yourself, a colleague or one of your proofreading lists, before sending the newsletter to all your recipients. In your newsletter editor, you are able to make a test sending to proofreading lists or single recipients. The mailing lists that you have checked as proofreading lists when you created your lists will be displayed in the list over proofreading lists in the newsletter editor. You are also able to make test sendings from the Send tab in the main menu.

7. Send the newsletter to a mailing list

Open the Send tab in the main menu in order to schedule and send the newsletter to your mailing list or a single recipient.

Please note that most links (dynamic texts) in the newsletter will be inactive when you send the newsletter to a single recipient. Please view sendings to single recipients as test sendings regarding the layout of the newsletter.

8. View the report from your newsletter sending

Immediately after the newsletter has been sent to the mailing list, a report from the sending will be generated. In the report you will be able to view detailed information about the deliverability of the newsletter, and the activity of your subscribers. Click on the name of the newsletter in the Reportssection in order to view your report.

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