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Publishing the form (Formbuilder)
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

After clicking on the Publish-tab, you will be presented with three options on how to collect and publish the form:

  • Collect = choose what product that should collect the data (APSIS Lead or APSIS Pro)

  • Type = what kind of publish that you want to use:

    • Inline = presents you with a code that needs to be published onto your website in order to present the form.

    • Standalone = presents you with an URL that acts like a landing-page for your form.

Collect setup:

APSIS Pro = data will be pushed to APSIS Pro (on the list that you have chosen). You can here also double-check the data mapping so that you can make sure that the data from the form is correctly connected to the DD-fields you have in PRO.

APSIS Lead = data will be pushed to APSIS Lead and be visible in the Visitors list and in Contacts.

Double Opt-In = if you want your form to use double opt-in (person who fills out the form will get an email that they need to confirm before getting added into list APSIS Pro), check this option. Design etc. of that email will be created and designed in APSIS Pro.

Inline setup:

#1 Add this code to your website’s head section or just before the closing body tag.

NOTE! If you have added additional languages into your form, you need to add an additional line of code after the formId
language: LANG-TAG

  • English = en

  • Swedish = se

  • Danish = da

  • Norwegian = nb

  • Finnish = fi

  • Chinese (Simplified) = zh-CH

  • Chinese (Traditional) = zh

  • French = fr

  • German = de

#2 Add this code to your website where you want the form rendered.

#3 You can update this placeholder to match any element on your website so the form will be rendered inside that element instead.

For further information, please contact APSIS Support.

Standalone setup:

Choose the preferred site from the drop-down-list

The form-URL is presented

When you have decided what option to choose and are happy with the settings, press Publish. The form is now activated and will be presented onto your website, ready to collect data from your visitors. Neat!

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