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Creating the form (Formbuilder)
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

First, go to Activities in the left sidebar-menu.

Start by clicking on Create New Form in the top right corner. You will now be presented with a couple of forms presets to make it easier for you to create the form of your choice. Select the preset you want to use, or click on create a blank form if you want to create it from scratch. NOTE that all forms regardless of preset or blank will always include an Email field and a Submit button.

After this, name your form and choose the Language (the outcome of the form fields is controlled by the language-settings you made in the Form Fields-section, so if you choose Swedish; you will see the Swedish Form Fields). When you are done, press Create Form.

Once you have done this, you will be transfered into the form-builder itself where you will see the form fields that you have created on the right hand side. To apply them, simply drag and drop them onto the left hand surface and put them in the order that you want. If you want to change the text or make a field required, simply press one of the form fields in the right hand surface and apply the settings (such as what questions that should be mandatory), then press Save.

Once you are happy with your design, you can move on to the Settings-tab.


In the Settings-tab, you can do the following:

Standard settings

  • Form name = the name of the form

  • Group = if you are about to create a lot of forms, putting them into groups makes it easier for you to find them later on.

  • Template name = the name of the template which the form will use (read more about this in the Designing the Form-chapter)

  • Max fields to display = since the APSIS Lead forms are “intelligent”, you can choose to display X amount of form fields/questions at the same time. That means, that the first time a person fills out the form, X questions will be asked. The 2nd time that same person comes back and fills out another form; the form will recognise the person and since we already know the answer to the first X questions, the form will display other questions instead.

  • Hide known fields = if you have ticked above, you can choose to hide the questions that you already know the answer to.

  • Replace form-tag with div-tag = mandatory if you are using SiteCore, EpiServer or other CMS installations where the CMS is built up by form-tags. Ticking this box will make the form appear correct once published.


  • Selected language = the language of the form that you chose when you created it

  • Additional translations = if you want the same form in multiple languages (instead of creating a new one), you can add a new language in this setting. Once you have done this, the form will be prepared for the new language. Note that if you do this you need to add an extra line of code into the implementation, read more under the Publish chapter.

Form submit settings

  • Action after submit = choose what will happen after a person submits a form (mandatory to have this for the form to work)

    • Message = the form is removed and a message of your choice will appear on the screen

    • Redirect = redirects the person to a thank-you page/landing page etc.

  • Track - View/Submit Form = if you want to track the statistics of the form views/submission in Google Analytics and/or Google Tag Manager, check the preferred box and apply the needed settings.

Now you are done with the settings, it’s time to publish the form!

Press Save and then go to the Publish tab.

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