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Building Form fields (Formbuilder)
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

Building Form Fields

To get you started quicker, you will have a preset amount of form fields including Email, Firstname, Lastname, Submit button and many more. If you need more, you can create an unlimited amount of form fields, and the settings of each form module are built as follows:

  • Name: The name of the Form Module (in APSIS Forms)

  • Field type: What kind of field the form module should be (e-mail, text, radio button etc)

  • Demographic data field: In order to connect the module to the correct demographic data field, choose the correct in the drop down, or create a new one.

  • Language = All form modules will be in English per default. To make it easier for those who have websites in different languages, you can update an existing form field with a new language instead of creating a new one. You simply press on “Add new language” and select the language of your choice.

  • Title = the name of the form module externally (how it will look to a visitor). Depending on the language you have chosen, change the title to the correct text. Please note! The title will be empty when you add a new language, so you remember to fill this in before pressing Save.

    • NOTE! If you have selected the fields Dropdown, Checkbox or Radio button you will note that you will be presented with two columns (English text & Translated text) English text is what the Formbuilder stores in the database and Translated Text is what the visitor will see on that question, e.g. that you need to fill both these in regardless of what language you chose in the Language-option.

  • Placeholder = if you want to have a pre-set value in the form field (used for descriptions etc), use the placeholder and type in the text of your choice.

  • Advanced = With the advanced options of form fields, you can control the markup generated in your form. Usually, you will not need to use this, but if you want to dig a little deeper, there's a separate guide here.

Once you have made all the Form Fields of your choice, it’s time to create the form itself!

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