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Creating a filter
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

Filters in APSIS Lead are a great way to manage your Visitors and Reports. By specifying your selection, you can get an even more focused view of your leads, putting your effort where it is most needed.

To create a new filter, go to Visitors > Handle Filters

In the drop down menu: click on "Enter your filter name", and enter an appropriate name in the box.

Click on the "Description" box and enter a description for the filter (not mandatory

Now, choose which type of access to give the filter:

  • Private - available only to your user login.

  • Public - available to all users of your account.

You can now drag and drop the criteria of your choice from the filter-criteria-bar.

Each filter can hold up to 4 criteria.

  • Company name = choose to include/exclude specific company names from your filter

  • Industry = choose what industries you are interesting in seeing in the filter

  • Information = revenue and/or number of employees can be filtered out from this criteria

  • Geographic = choose what countries and/or regions you are interested in

  • Relation = include/exclude visitors that are customers, prospects etc. and/or if they are new/returning visitors

  • Source = the source of the visit (keywords, traffic from referring pages etc)

  • Pageview = choose a page group that you have created to have a filter based on traffic from those pages only

  • Tags = include/exclude specific Tags that you have tagged your visitors with

  • Visit value = set criteria based on time on site, number of clicks, score and/or Lead Score

Once you have selected the criteria(s) of your choice, you can then edit their settings.

When you're done, click the "Save" button next to the filter name on the top.

If you want to have the result of the filter e-mailed out to you on a regular basis, please see this section on how to create Reports.

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