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Widget types and settings
Widget types and settings
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

There are currently 12 widgets available in Apsis Lead, designed to give you quick access to vital stats.

Note: you can only add 6 widgets to your Overview, so choose wisely!


Shows visits according to a set interval, the previous period, and the difference in percentage.


Shows the number of pageviews in the set interval.

Top list-logins

This widget displays the three users with the most logins during a set interval.


Shows the visitors who have converted (either via an APSIS newsletter or a form on your site).

Automation flows

Shows the automation flows, and their activity in a set interval


Shows the country of visits during a set interval.


Shows the region of visitors during a set interval.


Shows the city of visitors during a set interval.

Hot visitors

Shows visitors with the highest Lead Score during a set interval.


Shows the number of visitors during a set interval, as well as their relevancy and conversion rate.


Shows the


Widget Settings

Hovering over the widget and clicking the cog in the top left corner will open the settings. Widgets may have all or some of the following:

Interval - choose between a pre-set or custom time frame.

Display mode - edit the graphic representation of the data.

Relation - display "All companies" or "My companies".

Status - filter the status of the contact.

Click "Back" to return to the widget

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