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How do I import a list?
How do I import a list?
Written by Angelika Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

To import a list of companies, and flag them as customers, prospects etc. you need to make an Excel-export from your CRM-system. This has to include at least the following columns:

  • Organisation-number (only for Swedish customers) and/or company name (in order for the match to be correct)

  • The relation to the company (prospect, customer, partner, supplier or competitor)

  • Your responsible salesperson (this person has to have an account in Apsis Lead)

When you have this, go to Settings > Lists.

Start by creating a new list and name it (such as Import 2016-01-01), then click Add.

You will be asked to choose the file that you want to import. Then press Next to begin the import.

Once the file is uploaded, the first thing that you will be asked to do, is to match the columns in the Excel-sheet to the columns in APSIS Lead (company name to company name etc.) When you are done, make sure that “Skip the first row” is checked, then press Next .

You have now reached the last step of the import. Match the different Company Status relations (prospect to prospect etc) and responsible salesperson to a person on your list. Once this is done, press Save. You will then be notified that the list has been completed, and it will go live in your account within a couple of days.

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